"God is whimsical, transcendent, and like a playful dancer, weaving steps and songs into the pattern of our days. As the author of humor, delight, tastes, sounds, feelings, touch, and affection, he tucks beauty along our pathway to show us more of his artistry."
"God's personality is to be a provider of beauty as the very expression of his nature." from Dancing With My Father by Sally Clarkson
I need to keep myself in tuned with God and remember to gain my strength and all I need from Him and Him alone.
I, as mother, am the conductor to my family's lives. There is no one else who will see that I get what I need to continue conducting so that my husband and children can have a sweet song for the Lord but myself ...so into His word I need to dwell so He can help me, guide me, encourage me! Thank you, Lord for being all I need!